Tuesday, 16 April 2013


We had rehearsals today in Theatre Workshop where we finished blocking the rest of the script and started to run through the whole play again.

We did lots of character work and each person on stage had to really explore their character and become more emotionally connected to the scene. Jack is very good at going over things and making sure people know what they are saying, which will really add to the performance and make our individual portrayals of our characters much more believable.

We had to be the spirits becoming dog-like creatures which chase Trinculo and Stephano away from the cave. We had to be very animalistic, which was really hard to portray to the audience. Although I think it will be much easier with sound, lighting and our costumes, to portray these scary creatures, it was really difficult while in a rehearsal room.

We also did a scene where Prospero sets us free, which took us back to the basics of being spirits, moving around and looking at everything that Prospero does in awe. We then finished the script. This was good as we got to see the development of all the characters throughout the play and now we got to see them when they were all together. It was really good to watch to see how each of the characters interacted with each other and to see how they've changed on their journey through the island.

It's looking very good so far, but people need to learn their lines and remember where they have been staged for their blocking, to speed up the rehearsal process when doing a second run through, which will give us a lot more time to focus on our characters, which we've done on our blogs anyway, but also the different characters interactions with each other.

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